Little did I know

Little did I know I would get such a kick out of knitting! In March of 2010 some of my girlfriends were planning to get together for dinner and “knitting.” I told them I wanted to learn to knit. So they told me all I needed was #7 knitting needles and yarn. A couple days before we were to get together I went to the craft store and bought my yarn and needles. While there I came across a knitting instruction book, Learning to Knit in Just One Day by Jean Leinhauser. g g g I couldn’t wait. I was so curious, excited just to try. Stitch by stitch I learned first to cast on. Stitch by stitch I learned then to knit. And stitch by stitch I moved on to purl. What a riot. It was so fun to see the rows taking shape. At dinner my girlfriends taught me their tricks and encouraged me. g g g I then discovered Knitting Tips by Judy YouTube videos. She is a great teacher! Check her out for any stitches you want to learn or need to clarify. I was amused as I learned more and my husband would genuinely pat me on the back every time (yes, every time) I played “show and tell” with my new projects. g g g So, thank you to my teachers, my friends and my husband for sharing this joy with me.

g g “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” – Father James Keller g g

Monday, December 10, 2012

Chunky Basket

Happy holidays to everyone!  It is now December and I am working on a couple of Christmas gifts. But, before moving onto those, I want to share with you my second entry for a basket.  This version is much more sturdy than the basket bowls I featured in the previous post.  I used a bulky acrylic yarn, though, I would probably use a wool the next time around.

I found this pattern at Crochet in Color (  Liz, the creator, is a master at making these baskets and her examples are awesome, beautiful!  This is my first try and you can see that my rows are not as straight and tight as her baskets.  Something to strive towards.  So, my chunky basket actually came out a little lumpy (for those that listen to will i am ;).

Chunky Basket

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