Little did I know

Little did I know I would get such a kick out of knitting! In March of 2010 some of my girlfriends were planning to get together for dinner and “knitting.” I told them I wanted to learn to knit. So they told me all I needed was #7 knitting needles and yarn. A couple days before we were to get together I went to the craft store and bought my yarn and needles. While there I came across a knitting instruction book, Learning to Knit in Just One Day by Jean Leinhauser. g g g I couldn’t wait. I was so curious, excited just to try. Stitch by stitch I learned first to cast on. Stitch by stitch I learned then to knit. And stitch by stitch I moved on to purl. What a riot. It was so fun to see the rows taking shape. At dinner my girlfriends taught me their tricks and encouraged me. g g g I then discovered Knitting Tips by Judy YouTube videos. She is a great teacher! Check her out for any stitches you want to learn or need to clarify. I was amused as I learned more and my husband would genuinely pat me on the back every time (yes, every time) I played “show and tell” with my new projects. g g g So, thank you to my teachers, my friends and my husband for sharing this joy with me.

g g “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” – Father James Keller g g

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A teaser for Susie

Hello friends!  

Finally, a new post! And there are more new ones to follow so check back again real soon!  

This one is a special edition.  There is nothing like doing something for a friend that gets you back in the swing of things. My dear friend, Susie, this is a teaser for you on this special day.  It is taking me a while...but I'm excited to get it to you some day is a glimpse.

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